Blue skies and dappled cloud created the perfect picture-postcard conditions for a spot of drone photography at Wells.

Photographer and boat builder Luke Martin captured these scenes at the coastal town on Saturday (August 20), looking from the shore.

Featured in the series of images is the newly constructed RNLI Lifeboat Station, which sits elevated from the shoreline to upgrade the current boathouse.

Taken at low tide, boats are shown high and dry, perched on the sand until the water floods back.

Mr Martin said: "It was a beautiful afternoon at Wells as we walked along the harbour wall, making our way to the lifeboat station.

"As a boat builder and spending a lot of my time on boats, the new station was something I wanted to see. It looks amazing and will serve Wells well in moving forwards in saving lives at sea.

"The tide was out, which made for a interesting photo of the boats in the harbour sat on the sand."

He added he has "never had a passion for a hobby as much as drone photography".

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