A series of areas across the Norfolk countryside which could be dug up for new drainage schemes have been revealed. 

The developer behind one of the UK’s largest wind farm projects is planning a series of works to help address any potential flood risk from the plan. 

All the works will be along the cable route of Danish energy company Ørsted's Hornsea Three project

The cables will be laid in a 35-mile-long trench from Weybourne to Swardeston, south of Norwich, to connect power to the National Grid. 

The plans have been revealed in a series of planning applications submitted to Broadland and North Norfolk councils. 

Areas where drainage pipes may be placed include: 

  • Blackwater Lane, Heydon  
  • Heydon Lane, Heydon
  • Crabgate Lane, North Wood Dalling
  • Booton Manor, Church Road, Booton
  • The Grove, Booton 
  • The Moor, Reepham  
  • Reepham Road, Salle 
  • The Green, Kelling 
  • Plumstead Road, near Norwich 
  • Wood Dalling Road, Reepham 

A planning statement submitted with one of the applications said: “Pre-construction drainage works are to be installed to ensure the continued efficiency of the local drainage systems during and following completion of the Hornsea Three onshore cable installation works. 

“By design, they will be implemented to aid in addressing any potential flood risk." 

While Ørsted has been given planning permission for the cable and the wind farm, the drainage plans are outside the limits of that consent and require new applications.  

Fakenham & Wells Times: The cable route for Hornsea ThreeThe cable route for Hornsea Three (Image: Archant)

Hornsea Three was given the go-ahead in 2020 by the secretary of state and includes 230 turbines, 120km off the Norfolk coast. 

The wind farm plan will see cables on the seabed carry power to the coast at Weybourne. 

At 2.4GW and able to power three million homes, Hornsea Three is one of the biggest offshore wind farm projects in the world.