A Fakenham army cadet has been given a special coin to mark his contribution to the organisation.

Lance Corporal Tyler Barker was awarded a Regimental Coin at the Royal Anglian Regimental Day held annually at Duxford.

The presentation was made by Colonel Cadets Brigadier Lyne in the company of cadets from all over the east of England.

Tyler is a member of Fakenham detachment of the Norfolk Army Cadet Force, which is affiliated to the Royal Anglian Regiment and he proudly wears their cap badge.

His award recognises his reliable service and the example he has set to younger cadets.

Tyler, who joined the cadets in April 2022, said: "I have really enjoyed my time at cadets so far.

"I like that I have been given the opportunity to experience things I wouldn’t normally get to do like shooting and sleeping outside in bashers.

"I have really enjoyed going away on camps and meeting lots of new people and making new friends.

"I like going away on annual camp the most because we get to do lots of different things and it is a lot of fun.

"I do not regret my decision to join the cadets, it’s the best thing I have done.

"I would recommend it to anyone that is thinking about it.

"They have taught me a lot and are always there to help.

"I look forward to passing my two star so that I have the opportunity for promotion.

"I am proud of what I have achieved and take pride in wearing the uniform. The cadets are just a stepping stone for me as I hope to join the army when I am older."

The Fakenham detachment parades in the Community Centre on Oak Street every Tuesday at 7.30pm. Anyone aged 12 to 18 is very welcome to visit a parade night and see for themselves what the cadets have to offer.