A church reverend's anger has turned to delight after a pair of stolen eagle lecterns were returned.

Police were first called to St Mary’s Church in Gunthorpe, between Fakenham and Holt, on June 12 following reports that the wooden lecterns had been taken.

They were said to date back to the 1800s.

However, more than two months later, they have been returned after police recovered them in the Blakeney area.

The Rev Ian Whittle, the rector at St Mary’s, said, “The eagle has landed back at our church.

“I was so livid when it was taken, so I am pleased to now see it return.

“These things normally go abroad, so I was surprised at where it was found. They normally go to Neo-Nazis or Russians as they have a particular fondness for eagles.”

Mr Whittle said the eagles were part of restoration work completed by the Spark family after the Crimean War.

He added that steps would be taken to secure them to the ground.