An original play to commemorate the First World War in a mid-Norfolk village is set to be performed later this month.

Barley Bread and Sauerkraut, which has been written and directed by Jenny Duda, will be performed by Foulsham Community Theatre Company.

The aim of the play is to initiate commemorative events in the village taking place over the next year.

Set in rural Norfolk during the First World War, the play highlights the trials and tribulations of a family as they face the harshness of war and fear of invasion across the Norfolk coast.

The play is for all ages and is a mix of music, mime and drama.

It takes place at the Frost Hall on March 23 and 24 at 7.30pm.

Tickets are available at £5 each and are on sale at Foulsham Village Store. To book, ring Maxine Denmark on 01362 683693 or Jenny Duda on 01362 683264 or 07922 599935.