The mysterious big black cat said to prowl around the county has been spotted in North Elmham.Daphne and Reg Ivany, from Dereham, saw the animal while they were walking near the County School railway track on February 20.

THE mysterious big black cat said to prowl around the county has been spotted in North Elmham.

Daphne and Reg Ivany, from Dereham, saw the animal while they were walking near the County School railway track on February 20, and said the cat was about

50 yards away in an adjacent field.

He said: "It was bigger than a dog. It had a long body and a long bushy tail. From the side view you could see it had a square jaw. It seemed to glide along like a cat."

In recent weeks there have been reported sightings of big black cats near Aylsham and Aylmerton.