A badger which became trapped between a house and a fence has been rescued and released back into the countryside.

The animal was spotted in the narrow gap on February 26 by a Reepham resident, who called the RSPCA for help.

They only realised the mammal was stuck after a neighbour's dog began barking frantically at around 4am.

RSPCA inspector Ben Kirby said the badger had been trapped for around eight hours, but was eventually brought out unharmed.

He added: "It was clear the poor badger had tried digging himself out as there was the start of a hole dug under the fence.

“He was a fully-grown adult and very feisty, so I had to be very careful. With the help of two neighbours, we removed the fence panel and placed a portable kennel into position.

"Using a special catch pole, I manoeuvred him along the gap and soon got him out of that tight spot and into the kennel.

“My thanks go to the concerned resident who reported the badger’s plight to us."