A question session with prospective parliamentary candidates in the Broadland constituency is being held in Fakenham.

It’s taking place on Thursday, March 19 (7.30pm) at the Salvation Army Hall in Oak Street.

Churches Together in Fakenham has invited the sitting MP, Conservative Keith Simpson, Andrew Boswell of the Green Party, Chris Jones of the Labour Party, Steve Riley of the Liberal Democrats and Stuart Agnew of UKIP. All will take questions from the floor.

Frank Schofield, deputy moderator from churches together, said: “We’ll probably give each candidate five minutes to present their policy and themselves.

“What people will be interested in is actualy finding out about the people, rather than their party policies.”

The meeting is open to all. Questions may be submitted in advance in writing to any of the church pastors in Fakenham or by e-mail to frank.schofield1@btinternet.com.

Questions may also be submitted on entry to the meeting.