Looking for something to do this weekend? Here are 10 things to keep you entertained in mid and north Norfolk.

Fakenham & Wells Times: All Saints Church in Shipdham. Picture: Matthew Usher.All Saints Church in Shipdham. Picture: Matthew Usher. (Image: © Archant Norfolk 2014)

Thursday, Friday and Saturday - North Creake village hall, the Creakes Drama Group's summer production of The Village Fete, a play by Peter Tinniswood, tickets £10 from the box office on 07818 696660, starts 7.30pm each night.

Thursday, Friday and Saturday - Wayland Festival of music and comedy in Watton, featuring 50s music from Perfect Vintage, hilarious mentalist Doug Segal, singer Rachel Duffield as Incendiary Blonde, songs from Bella Musica, Alex the Clown's Humungously Fantabulous Festival Party, music from Four4 Jazz, and a Queen tribute as a finale. Go to www.waylandfestival.org.uk for timings and tickets.

Fakenham & Wells Times: Cromer and Sheringham Brass Band. Picture: MARK BULLIMORECromer and Sheringham Brass Band. Picture: MARK BULLIMORE (Image: Archant Norfolk 2016)

Friday, Saturday and Sunday - Shipdham All Saints Church, exhibition of traditional and innovative work by Shipdham and Little Gallery Quilters. Friday and Saturday 10am - 5pm, Sunday 1pm - 5pm, admission free. Quilt raffle, sales table, cafe. Enquiries to Jill Arnold 01953 886751.

Saturday - Wood Norton Fete and Fun Dog Show from 12 noon to 4pm at Wood Norton Village Hall. Fun Dog Show starts at 1.30pm and entrance is £3 per dog. Refreshments, homemade cakes and ice cream, tea and coffee. Contact Linda Jennings on 01362 680007.

Fakenham & Wells Times: Barley Mow ceilidh band will be at Great Witchingham village hall.Barley Mow ceilidh band will be at Great Witchingham village hall. (Image: Archant)

Saturday - Bale, garden fete for church at Manor Farm. Features the Cromer and Sheringham brass band, stalls including food, cakes and clothes. Fun games for the whole family. Free entry, 2pm to 4pm.

Saturday - Shipdham Yard Sale - 9am to 1pm, maps showing all those participating available from Thomas Bullock Primary School, where there will also be stalls, and from the FOSS shop. £5 per yard or stall in aid of Friends of Shipdham School, contact 07880 935765.

Fakenham & Wells Times: Gressenhall Farm is taking part in Open Farm Sunday - with visitors getting access to many different farming aspects. Picture Matthew Usher.Gressenhall Farm is taking part in Open Farm Sunday - with visitors getting access to many different farming aspects. Picture Matthew Usher. (Image: © Archant Norfolk 2014)

Saturday - Great Witchingham Ceilidh. An evening of dancing with music from Barley Mow, a four-piece band plus caller, at the village hall. Includes a two-course dinner, bring your own drink. For tickets call Kay Skelton 07979 085231. Money raised is for The Ladybirds group in Gt Witchingham. Tickets £12.

Saturday - Bawdeswell village cinema. Lion (PG) showing at the village hall. A five-year-old Indian boy gets lost on the streets of Calcutta, thousands of kilometers from home. He survives many challenges before being adopted by a couple in Australia. 25 years later, he sets out to find his lost family. £4.50, starts 7.30pm.

Fakenham & Wells Times: Hindringham Primary School. Picture: Ian BurtHindringham Primary School. Picture: Ian Burt (Image: Archant © 2012)

Sunday - Open Farm Sunday - discover the world of farming as farms opening their gates to the public, including Old Hall Farm, Dereham Road, Westfield, 10am to 4pm; Gressenhall Farm, 10am to 5pm; Walsingham Farms Shop, Guild Street, Walsingham, 10am to 4pm; Holkham Farming Company, Holkham Estate, Wells, 10am to 5pm. Visit www.farmsunday.org.

Sunday - Hindringham Primary School Summer Fete at Binham village hall. Refreshments, crafts stalls, bouncy castle, raffle and loads of family fun. Free admission.