YOU enjoy choral music? Then just turn up and sing!That's the invitation to mid-Norfolk lovers of classical music as another spontaneous open performance is being organised at stately Kimberley Hall, near Barnham Broom.

YOU enjoy choral music? Then just turn up and sing!

That's the invitation to mid-Norfolk lovers of classical music as another spontaneous open performance is being organised at stately Kimberley Hall, near Barnham Broom.

It will take place on Sunday, June 1, when the assembled gathering of volunteers will give a performance of excerpts from Haydn's Creation.

Conductor will be David Storey, and there will be local soloists as well as accompaniment from a string quartet, organ and harpsichord.

Former hall resident Ronald Buxton, who now lives at the Garden Cottage on the estate, said the informal choral events had been taking place for about 15 years.

"We have a couple of sings a year. They're entirely voluntary, with no rehearsals - people just turn up with their music and sing," he added. "One of them is usually Handel's Messiah, which most of us know backwards, so this time we're doing The Creation for the summer concert.”

Details of the events are circulated among a list of about 150 singers drawn mainly from the area, although one couple enjoyed visiting from Yorkshire, said Mr Buxton, who sings bass and is a keen organist. Anyone else who would like to sing was also welcome to go along.

"Everyone enjoys the occasions, and at half-time we go and have drinks and refreshments on the terrace," he added.

w People interested in taking part need just turn up at the hall by 5.30pm ready for the performance to start at 6pm. There are limited copies of the score available if you don't have your own. Audience members are welcome. Tickets are £8 on the door, including a glass of wine and light refreshments.

w More information from Mr B C Davies, of Cringleford, on 01603 453674.